
  • Leticia del Carmen Encinas Meléndrez Universidad de Sonora
  • María Lizett Zolano Sánchez Universidad de Sonora
  • Martín Guillermo Durán Acosta Universidad de Sonora



Corporate social resposability, PYMES, Socially responsible company


Companies today know that success depends not only on the obtaining of utilities, but is required to contribute with all those involved in them to make them more competitive and cope with the changes of today's globalized markets. The research work is performed under a methodological approach of crosscutting, taking as a reference the PyME´s that currently apply CSR and which are affiliated to CANACINTRA in Hermosillo, Sonora. The objective of this research is to know whether the policies and practices of CSR influence success of their businesses. The results show that, for the majority of the participants, CSR is to improve the quality of life for staff and the contribution to the society. However, their actions are mainly aimed towards the treatment and image to the customer, in order to sell more. There are few that referred to the care and preservation of the environment or the subject of philanthropy. In any of the companies met the full concept, so not may call themselves socially responsible in the broad and strict sense of its meaning.


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How to Cite

Encinas Meléndrez, L. del C., Zolano Sánchez, M. L., & Durán Acosta, M. G. (2016). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE PYME´S . TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, (3), 2–13.



Investigation Reports
