Organizational culture in companies in México City


  • Marcela Rojas Ortega Coordinación de Contabilidad, ESCA Tepepan Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • María De la Luz Pirron Curriel Coordinación de Humanística, ESCA Tepepan Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Lucía Esparza Zamudio Coordinación de Humanística, ESCA Tepepan Instituto Politécnico Nacional



Organizational culture, Mexican companies, Sustainable development


Today society faces the challenge of undertaking sustainable development through actions aimed at the preservation of favorable living conditions for future generations. Among these factors is the creation of an organizational environment that promotes sustainability.
Based on the above was a descriptive exploratory study on the organizational culture in the city of Mexico, preliminary information to lay groundwork for future research. The study which was aimed to describe the level of perceived organizational culture by those who provide their services in companies of the city of Mexico, was used the method of interrogation, through the application of a questionnaire which was validated by judges. The results indicate that the level of organizational culture is at a medium-high level, it can be concluded that presents opportunities for improvement.


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How to Cite

Rojas Ortega, M., Pirron Curriel, M. D. la L. ., & Esparza Zamudio, L. (2016). Organizational culture in companies in México City. TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, (3), 14–24.



Investigation Reports
