The impact of social programs and tourism in reducing poverty in rural areas in Mexico


  • Luis Fernando Figueroa González Universidad de Sonora



Rural, Tourism, Social, Programs, Poverty


Mexico, considered a third world country, presents a rather acute problem in relation to the poverty and the way of life of the people mainly in the field where economic growth is limited caused by various factors. To reduce the level of poverty especially in the countryside, the government has established a series actions at promoting development in the countryside, for which the development of tourism activity in the
communities has been considered, taking into account the benefits that this contributes when implementing
them. This is why it is important to know what actions are being developed by the government, as well as the private initiative, to be able to face the problem that rural communities suffer. Hence, the purpose of this reflective research is focused on knowing the effectiveness of government programs and rural tourism activity to reduce poverty in rural Mexico. For which the literature of scientific articles, web pages, with
topics related to the subject that is dealt with in this document was reviewed. Some of the results found were that the Government has always implemented social and development programs for the rural sector, within which tourism represents an option solution to reduce poverty in the rural sector. Likewise, it was concluded that the benefits of these programs and the promotion of rural tourism have not yielded the expected results of their implementation.


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Author Biography

Luis Fernando Figueroa González, Universidad de Sonora

Licenciado en Administración. Doctor en Dirección y Mercadotecnia. Maestro de tiempo completo en la
Licenciatura en Turismo, del Departamento de Contabilidad en la Universidad de Sonora. Correo:


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 El impacto de los programas sociales y el turismo en la reducción de la pobreza en el ámbito rural en México



How to Cite

Figueroa González, L. F. (2021). The impact of social programs and tourism in reducing poverty in rural areas in Mexico. TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, 6(16 enero-abril), 131–157.


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