Articles Evaluation

To submit a paper for publication in the journal TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTION, you must register with the system and send the three files indicated in the general guides of collaboration, available at:

Naming the files as indicated in the general guides of collaboration.

As part of the process of sending your item, they are suggested, the pre-review of the checklist, since the non-compliance of any of them will be reason for the return and / or cancellation of the manuscrit sent.



  1. The paper corresponds to the social, economic, administrative, accounting or related sciences.
  2. The manuscrit is a:
    • Research report. Result of a project with rigor and scientific method
    • Essay. Argumentative work on a subject or phenomenon of study
    • Study or Technical Report. Descriptive document of professional practice
  3. The language of the work is: spanish or english.
  4. The number of authors does not go over three.
  5. The manuscrit has not been published in any printed or digital version.
  6. The manuscrit is not subject to another editorial instance at this time.
  7. File 1 Data, in Word contains:
    • a) The data of each of the authors, names without abbreviations, academic degrees, their current position, institution, locality, institutional email and ORCID of each author.
    • b) Indication of the author responsible for correspondence.
    • c) The title of paper in spanish and english.
    • d) The JEL code(s) cataloguing the article.
    • e) Information on thank you, financing, if the paper has been available.
    • f) Information in the event of a conflict of interest affecting the content or publication of the article.
  8. File 2 Extensive manuscrit, in Word contains:
    • Title and abstract in spanish.
    • Title and abstract in english.
    • Keywords (no more than 5, must be words, not phrases) in spanish and english. These words appear consistently in the work.
    • JEL code(s) for thematic coding of paper, number and name.
    • Resumen and Abstract of no more than 200 words.
    • The size of the manuscrit is between 20 and 45 pages in line 1.5 in Times New Roman 12, with centered lower numbering.
    • The manuscrit includes: introduction; method; results; conclusions and references.
    • Appointments in text include author, year and page number, according to APA 7 notation.
    • Images, figures, tables, tables and graphs of the paper include top number and title and full source to the footer.
    • Las imágenes, figuras, cuadros, tablas y gráficos están referidas y relacionadas claramente en el texto.
    • References are in APA 7 format.
    • All references are cited in the text.
  9. File 3 Authorship declares that:
    • The manuscrit is of your authorship(s), pointing to the title.
    • It has not been published before.
    • Not in another parallel editing process.
    • Grants the express authorization to publish the article in the digital journal TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN.
    • Express authorization of the author(s) for the use of the journal's license. The scope of the publishing license has the following options: playback; public communication; and creation of derivative papers recognizing their authorship. On the understanding that the journal ne does not authorize the use of the article for commercial purposes and its license is restrictive subject to the authorization of the authors.
    • Declaration of no conflict of interest with the publisher and/or the labour-financed institution.
    • Date and place of signature.
    • Autograph signature of all authors.
    • You can rely on the following document:

The journal TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, ia a digital journal, published quarterly, with strict refereeing, in the OJS system distributed by the computer network of the University of Sonora. 

The works presented may be research reports, essays, studies or technical reports in the lines of knowledge of the social, economic, administrative and accounting sciences, in any of their aspects. 

In accordance with the journal´s editorial policies, all papers will be reviewedd by the anti-plagiarism tool Ithenticate, communicating to the authors the similarity report, subject not to exceed 25%. It is suggested to consult Editorial policies:

All papers submitted to the journal will be subject to double-blind refereeing, and the corresponding opinion will be communicated to the authors. The maximum time for opinion will be 4 to 6 months.

The evaluation procedure can be consulted in About in
Information for authors

The rules that the works must comply with are established in Before being sent, they can be reviewed in the checklist.

The peer review is in line with the journal's Ethical Standards

The points that are evaluated in the works presented for publication in the journal are:


  1. Correspondence of the work with the lines of knowledge of the journal
  2. Characteristics of the type of work and observance of the elements it must contain. It is suggested to consult the presentation of collaborations in
  3. Title of the work, according to the common thread of the work.
    Writing and content of the abstract, representative of the work.
  4. Appropriate and representative choice of keywords.
  5. Proofreading of the English translation of the Title, Abstract and Keywords Correct choice of JEL code(s) for cataloguing the work.
  6. Compliance with a similarity of less than 25%. It is suggested to review the journal's Ethical Standards. Ethical responsibility authors


The development aspects are evaluated on a scale from 0 to 5, and include the extensive with all its elements.

  1. Separation of sections, use of titles and subtitles. They are appropriate and follow an ilation in the work.
  2. Clarity and relevance of the research problem.
  3. Clarity and relevance of the object of study.
  4. Clarity and relevance of the study population.
  5. Development of the methodology.
  6. Clarity and sufficiency of the analysis of results.
  7. Proper and timely use of figures and graphs.
  8. Proper use of tables and charts.
  9. References and citations, correct and complete applying APA 7 notationClaridad y pertinencia del problema de investigación.


The journal accepts papers in Spanish and English, starting from the main language, it is evaluated on a scale of 0 to 5.

  1. Clarity of the wording.
  2. Spelling and punctuation.
  3. Use of subtitles.
  4. Use of quotations.
  5. General and intersectional linkage.
  6. Use of verbs
  7. Proper use of upper and lower case.


  1. Choice of evaluation options: accepted, accepted with minor corrections, accepted with major corrections, rejected.
  2. Weaknesses.
  3. Strengths.
  4. Suggestions.