Welcome to the virtual space of jorunal TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN of the Department of Accounting of the University of Sonora, Mexico.
We are a scientific journal of basic and applied research in Economic and Administrative Sciences, with a proactive and purposeful approach, with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) registration.
The journal TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN is currently indexed in Latindex 2.0, Clase, Biblat, SeriUNAM, REDIB, DORA, Dialnet, AURA, Scielo, Redalyc and Google, maintaining a continuous growth of international indexing.
The journal is part of the Catalogue of Scientific Journals of the University of Sonora, Mexico, UNISON Journals, enjoying the institutional recognition and editorial seal of the university for its compliance with the guidelines of Open Science and good editorial practices. Counting on the seal of quality of the UNISON Journals and their presence in the CRIS UNISON Repository.
All papers submitted for publication to the journal are subject to an anti-plagiarism review and a double-blind peer review, in accordance with our Editorial Policies and Ethical and Privacy Standards.
The journal TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN has the Creative Commons license, with the permissions indicated in it.