The impact of psychosocial risk factors on workers in the industrial sector


  • Ruth Lily Ruth Lily Soliz Baldomar Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara



Psychosocial risk, job, work stress


Psychosocial factors are a topic widely discussed in
the literature. For years, businessmen and academics
have tackled the design of strategies aimed at their
workers, such as offering better salaries, giving their
employees promotion opportunities or improving the
level of communication between co-workers. Recent approaches have promoted strategies within companies such as granting flexible hours, promoting supervision styles that generate confidence in their employees, selecting personnel according to certain personality traits or equitably distributing the workload. However, these strategies have had difficulties at the time of their implementation, since they require very significant investments for companies and do not ensure that the impact that these factors can generate, such as
absences, abandonment, work stress, mental health is reduced, among others. In this sense, the present research aims to investigate the impact of factors not commonly studied, such as intra- and extra occupational psychosocial factors and their incidence in operating workers of companies in the industrial sector in the industrial zone of Guadalajara, Jalisco.
Through the literary review, some intra and extraoccupational psychosocial risk factors were analyzed, these being the most relevant for the authors mentioned throughout this research. The field study carried out is descriptive, transactional, with a non-experimental design. The methodological process consisted of the identification of theoretical pillars. And the census was defined to apply the techniques and selected instrument made up of 227 workers from the industrial sector in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco. The information collected is systematized and the extra-occupational psychosocial risk factors are identified, as well as the occupational, sociodemographic and mental health information.


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Author Biography

Ruth Lily Ruth Lily Soliz Baldomar, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara

Maestra en Administración de Empresas. Directora de TIL Guadalajara, México. Doctorante del Doctorado en Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara. México.


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How to Cite

Ruth Lily Soliz Baldomar, R. L. (2022). The impact of psychosocial risk factors on workers in the industrial sector. TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, 7(20 mayo-agosto), 71–81.
