Khipu inka innovation: new management tool “business accounting e-quipu”


  • Carlos Lozano Núñez Universidad de Sonora
  • Pedro Demetrio ozano Núñez Universidad Nacional del Centro de Perú



Khipu innovation, business accounting equipu, management tool


To face the rapid changes of the changing environment, it was necessary to rescue and innovate the Inka khipu of Peru for business management. The objective was to analyze the main factors and attributes of the historical Inka khipu and propose the business accounting e-quipu. The research is historical, bibliographical, technological with a descriptive design, non-experimental crosssectional with a quantitative approach. Indexed articles were analyzed, and a validated and reliable questionnaire was applied to 358 Public Accountants from the departments of Junín and Huancavelica of Peru. The data was collected and processed to perform the exploratory factor analysis. The results of the Inka khipu show four factors: F1 - Inka narrative numerical Khipu, F4 - multi-thematic historical Khipus, F5-Quipukamayoc rigorous training and F6 - Inka Empire reality of the time and the business accounting e quipu show four factors: F3 - E -Visual-mental Quipu with technologies, F8 E-Accounting Quipulogy science and research, F2 – E-Public Accountant with high university training and F7 – E-Business reality and environment scenarios. 12 attributes were identified for the visual equipu and 12 attributes for the mental e-quipu. A practical business case is presented using MS Excel. Conclusion: 4 factors of the structural construct of the khipu inka of Peru serve as innovative support for the structural construct of the business accounting e-quipu.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Lozano Núñez , Universidad de Sonora

Doctor en Ciencias Contables Empresariales. Contador Público. Profesor de Gestión Empresarial. Docente de la Unidad de Investigación Contabilidad. Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, Perú. Correo: ORCID:

Pedro Demetrio ozano Núñez, Universidad Nacional del Centro de Perú

Doctor en Contabilidad y Financias. Contador Público. Docente de la Unidad de Investigación de la Facultad de Contabilidad. Universidad Nacional del Centro de Perú, Perú. Correo: ORCID:


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Innovación del khipu inka: nueva herramienta gerencial “e-quipu contable empresarial”



How to Cite

Lozano Núñez , C., & Lozano Núñez, P. D. (2024). Khipu inka innovation: new management tool “business accounting e-quipu” . TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, 9(26), 20–55.
