Impact of Cost Accounting Training in NGOs: Barriers and Strategies


  • Nestor Soler del Toro Investigador independiente, España



Costs, NGO, transprency


This study explores the impact of training and education in cost accounting on operational efficiency and resource management in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Through a survey of 50 accountants from various NGOs, barriers and opportunities related to the implementation of cost accounting systems are identified. The results indicate that the lack of specialized training is a significant obstacle, while investment in training improves operational efficiency and resource management and reduces cost measurement errors. Best practices include technology integration, internal support, and continuous training. These findings underscore the importance of cost accounting training as a crucial strategic investment for NGOs.


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Author Biography

Nestor Soler del Toro , Investigador independiente, España

Máster. Investigador independiente. Málaga, España. Correo: ORCID:


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Impact of Cost Accounting Training in NGOs: Barriers and Strategies



How to Cite

Soler del Toro , N. (2024). Impact of Cost Accounting Training in NGOs: Barriers and Strategies . TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, 9(26), 56–67.
