The Cabinet Financial Audit as an instrument for assessing the Municipal Public Account in Sonora
Audit, Public Account, MunicipalitiesAbstract
Through the different types of Audit and Control, irregularities are prevented and combated in the use of public resources established in their budgets, whether of income or expenditure, as well as the administration of the treasury, the patrimony and the public debt. This report is focused on describing the process of the Cabinet Financial Audit as an instrument of Evaluation of the Municipal Public Account 2017 of the Municipalities of the State of Sonora. The Municipal Public Account is the report that the municipal public entities through the city councils, that yield to the local legislature, on its financial management in order to verify that the collection, administration, management and custody, as well as the application of the resources During the fiscal yearcomprised from January 1 to December 31, 2017, they were exercised under the terms of the applicable legal and administrative provisions. The content of said report must be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the General Government Accounting Law and other current regulations. The Higher Institute of Auditing and Auditing is constituted as the autonomous public body, in charge of reviewing and auditing the municipal public account, in the terms established in this Constitution and other legislation inherent to the execution of the audit function, in addition to implementing actions of prevention of corruption. Then we can define the Cabinet Financial Audit, such as the review of the Economic Situation, Public Finances, Public Debt, Assets and Municipal Heritage informed in the Municipal Public Account, in addition to the legal compliance of the presentation of the accounting information , budgetary, programmatic and other annexes, in order to know the quality of financial information and that its preparation has been in accordance with the provisions of the General Law of Government Accounting.Downloads
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