Application of accounting regulations and income tax evasion in México




Rules, Accounting, Taxation


The objective is test whether of the application accounting regulations contribute the ISR income tax evasion in Mexico. A observational descriptive study cross cut was realize and the qualitative analysis of several  legal precepts contained in the Ley del Impuesto Sobre la Renta Renta (“Mexican Income Tax Law” or “LISR”), as well as regulatory criteria in the tax sphere, sampling and comparing companies or taxpaying legal entities or individuals subject to both the income tax and the fulfillment of their fiscal duties, such as bookkeeping and applying accounting rules, the quantitative analysis was performed on the data obtained from economic censuses by applying statistical methods. The results prove that tax evasion was lower in legal entities that are obliged to apply accounting regulations in accordance with the income tax, compared to individuals subject who are not obliged to apply such regulations. It is recommended the further study of the fiscal impact. It is concluded that the non-application of the accounting normative is a cause of increased fiscal evasion of ISR in Mexico.


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Author Biographies

Martha Karina Amezcua Luján, Universidad de Guadalajara

Dr Martha Karina Amezcua Luján

Doctor in Fiscal Studies at the Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG). Professor and researcher of the South University Center (CUSUR) of the UdeG. Founding member of the Academia de Doctores en Estudios Fiscales de Jalisco, A.C. Address: Av. Enrique Arreola Silva No. 883, Colonia Centro, zip code 49000, Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Mexico. (+52) 341 5752222 ext 46105. E-mail: ORCID ID 000-0002-6919-0362

María Patricia Rivera Espinoza, Universidad de Guadalajara

Dr Ma. Patricia Rivera Espinoza

Doctor in Social Sciences at the Universidad de Colima (UdeC). Research Professor of the CUSUR of UdeG. Address: Av. Enrique Arreola Silva No. 883, Colonia Centro, zip code 49000, Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Mexico. (+52) 341 5752222 ext 46105. E-mail

ORCID ID 0000-0002-6340-9554

María del Rosario Ruíz Moreno, Universidad de Guadalajara/Universidad Panamericana

Dr María del Rosario Ruiz Moreno

Doctor in Fiscal Studies at the UdeG. Professor and researcher of the UdeG and the Universidad Panamericana. President of the Academia de Doctores en Estudios Fiscales de Jalisco, A. C. Address: Aurelio L. Gallardo No. 686, Guadalajara, Jalisco, zip code 44650. (+52) 333-825-0730 E-mail ORCID ID 0000-0001-6693-5704

(Corresponding author).



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How to Cite

Amezcua Luján, M. K. ., Rivera Espinoza, M. P. ., & Ruíz Moreno, M. del R. (2020). Application of accounting regulations and income tax evasion in México. TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, (14), 2–16.



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