Public policies for the prevention and care of atypical behaviors in minors: a reflection from the international and Mexican context


  • Miguel Ángel Vega Campos Maestro en Administración. Doctor en Administración. Profesor investigador de tiempo completo, y Coordinador de la Maestría en Dirección Empresarial del Centro de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México. Líder del Cuerpo Académico consolidado Innovación y Gestión en las Organizaciones. Miembro de la Red Administración y Gestión en las Organizaciones



Public policies, Atypical behaviors, Minors


There are different factors and circumstances that provoke atypical behaviors in minors and young people that put their regular coexistence within society at risk. For this reason, the participation of the government –regardless of the sphere of public administration in question: federal, state or municipal– is transcendental, in terms of the design and implementation of public policies that allow preventing and addressing atypical behaviors presented by minors and young people, so that this issue does not lead to a larger problem, the effects of which jeopardize the proper coexistence of citizens. Knowing that the aforementioned problem is not exclusive to Mexico, this work aimed to carry out a review and analysis of the literature, both in the Mexican context and at the international level, of academic or research publications, in which actions are outlined, programs or public policies, implemented for the prevention and care of atypical behaviors in minors and youth; in such a way that said review and analysis allowed the author of this essay to use some recommendations or conclusions on the topic addressed. Derived from the literature review, both in the international and in the Mexican context, regarding public policies for the prevention and care of atypical behaviors in minors or young people, it can be pointed out that there is sufficient evidence that can be used as a reference or starting point, to address this problem that is not foreign to Mexico.


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How to Cite

Vega Campos, M. Ángel. (2020). Public policies for the prevention and care of atypical behaviors in minors: a reflection from the international and Mexican context. TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, (13), 59–73.
