Validity and reliability in data collection andanalysis under a qualitative approach


  • Jorge Edgardo Borjas García Ingeniero Industrial en Electrónica. Maestro en Administración. Doctor en Administración. Profesor investigador del Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí.



Methodology, Systematization, Validity


This article sets out a method of collecting and analyze information, from a qualitative perspective, seeking at all times to maintain a thoroughness, systematization and logic, typical of a scientific investigation. Therefore, it shall be established, particularly a method and technique that support results that could be obtained. All of the above, to generate validity and reliability of the managed information (during planning, collection, and
subsequently, during its analysis), and with it, support the credibility of an investigation.


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Validez y confiabilidad en la recolección y análisis de datos bajo un enfoque cualitativo



How to Cite

Borjas García, J. E. (2020). Validity and reliability in data collection andanalysis under a qualitative approach . TRASCENDER, CONTABILIDAD Y GESTIÓN, 5(15 septiembre-diciembre), 79–97.
