Factors influencing the use of e-marketing in Micro, Small and Medium Companies in Aguascalientes automotive
E-marketing, MSMEs, Gender, ManagerAbstract
E-marketing is the application of traditional marketing for electronic means, with a great current trend within companies regardless of their size. The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of gender, age and training of the manager or director of the company, on the use of e-marketing in the SMEs of the automotive sector of Aguascalientes. The results are obtained through a quantitative analysis that was performed using a previously validated instrument, which was applied to 145 companies. We opted to apply multivariate linear regressions to determine the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable, as well as a comparison of means for each of the items of the instrument in the three groups. Where the results determine that the age and gender of the manager or director of the company are not characteristics that drastically influence the use of e-marketing, while training is a determining factor. Highlighting that the little difference in the influence of gender on emarketing is tilted positively in companies managed by women.
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